As an endurance athlete, I’m very attuned to my body and began to notice something was wrong in Spring 2011. A visit to my GP was followed by years of tests and visits with various specialists. I was finally diagnosed almost eight years later with acromegaly, a debilitating disease characterized by excess growth hormone production due to a pituitary tumor. In what is a reoccurring story of delayed diagnosis in people with acromegaly, my condition wasn’t diagnosed until October 2018.
Following brain surgery in January 2019 and six weeks of radiation treatment, I was determined to work my way back to one of my passions, road cycling. Always having a goal to motivate me and a love for bicycle touring, I found the Pacific Coast Bicycle Route and decided I would make the 1845-mile, soul-healing journey from Canada to Mexico.
I grew up in Ohio and graduated from Kent University with a BA in Geography/GIS. I have extensive experience in the environmental field, having worked for government agencies such as the USDA, NRCS, as well as, various conservation districts, watershed restoration programs, and Native tribes. Today, I live in Golden, Colorado where I run the day-to-day operations for the CEO and mastermind of an Equine Gestalt Therapy program. I also consider myself an artist, a writer, a world traveler, a certified Gestalt practitioner and a teacher of mindfulness.
The tour was scheduled to set off in September 2020, but Covid-19 restrictions postponed the trip to 2021. With a new body and outlook on life and my strong will and determination, I completed the 1845-mile ride to prove that anything is possible and anyone can live a life unleashed. What is your 1845-mile journey?
Follow Risa on FaceBook and Instagram @risaunleashed
Learn more about Pituitary tumors and their related diseases such as Acromegaly at: Pituitary World News
As an endurance athlete, I’m very attuned to my body and began to notice something was wrong in Spring 2011. A visit to my GP was followed by years of tests and visits with various specialists. I was finally diagnosed almost eight years later with acromegaly, a debilitating disease characterized by excess growth hormone production due to a pituitary tumor. In what is a reoccurring story of delayed diagnosis in people with acromegaly, my condition wasn’t diagnosed until October 2018.
Following brain surgery in January 2019 and six weeks of radiation treatment, I was determined to work my way back to one of my passions, road cycling. Always having a goal to motivate me and a love for bicycle touring, I found the Pacific Coast Bicycle Route and decided I would make the 1845-mile, soul-healing journey from Canada to Mexico.
I grew up in Ohio and graduated from Kent University with a BA in Geography/GIS. I have extensive experience in the environmental field, having worked for government agencies such as the USDA, NRCS, as well as, various conservation districts, watershed restoration programs, and Native tribes. Today, I live in Golden, Colorado where I run the day-to-day operations for the CEO and mastermind of an Equine Gestalt Therapy program. I also consider myself an artist, a writer, a world traveler, a certified Gestalt practitioner and a teacher of mindfulness.
The tour was scheduled to set off in September 2020, but Covid-19 restrictions postponed the trip to 2021. With a new body and outlook on life and my strong will and determination, I completed the 1845-mile ride to prove that anything is possible and anyone can live a life unleashed. What is your 1845-mile journey?
Follow Risa on FaceBook and Instagram @risaunleashed
Learn more about Pituitary tumors and their related diseases such as Acromegaly at: Pituitary World News
The Road Unpaved
Border to Border with a Brain Tumor and a Bike
5-Star Readers' Favorite, Independent Press Award Winner, International Impact Book Awards Winner,
and Next Generation Indie Book Awards, and Regal Summit Book Award Winner!
Buy it now - RIGHT HERE!
Border to Border with a Brain Tumor and a Bike
5-Star Readers' Favorite, Independent Press Award Winner, International Impact Book Awards Winner,
and Next Generation Indie Book Awards, and Regal Summit Book Award Winner!
Buy it now - RIGHT HERE!
Risa and "Bubba" take to the Camino de Santiago, Spain
May/June 2024
In May of 2024, "Bubba” and I embarked on an unforgettable journey
to take on the Camino de Santiago for a 500 mile pilgrimage
across northern Spain! It presented what felt like impossible challenges.
We completed our bicycle tour on June 4th in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
View trip images, videos, and montages on my Instagram and Facebook pages @RisaUnleashed
In May of 2024, "Bubba” and I embarked on an unforgettable journey
to take on the Camino de Santiago for a 500 mile pilgrimage
across northern Spain! It presented what felt like impossible challenges.
We completed our bicycle tour on June 4th in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
View trip images, videos, and montages on my Instagram and Facebook pages @RisaUnleashed

My Path to Peru!
In May of 2022, I embarked on a journey by foot this time, setting out on a dream trip, 10 years in the making. I trekked up and over the Salkantay Pass at 15,000 feet uncertain of how my body would respond. I faced challenges of excruciating joint pain, fatigue, a friend being evacuated, and threat of the trip ending due to possible Covid exposures. I tapped into my “Moxie – inner grit and determination” and made it to the magical destination of Machu Picchu, Peru. Once again, I was reminded not to limit myself in this life…my life unleashed!
In May of 2022, I embarked on a journey by foot this time, setting out on a dream trip, 10 years in the making. I trekked up and over the Salkantay Pass at 15,000 feet uncertain of how my body would respond. I faced challenges of excruciating joint pain, fatigue, a friend being evacuated, and threat of the trip ending due to possible Covid exposures. I tapped into my “Moxie – inner grit and determination” and made it to the magical destination of Machu Picchu, Peru. Once again, I was reminded not to limit myself in this life…my life unleashed!
From Canada to Mexico by Bike - 2021

I went from being extremely energetic, an endurance athlete and outdoor enthusiast, to barely being able to get out of bed. Following diagnosis and treatment, information and resources were hard to find.
Now, I’m focusing on healing my body and my soul. I have a long road ahead of me and an uncertain future, but I am learning to use my voice and I want to inspire and encourage others to use theirs. My goal is to bring awareness to Pituitary Diseases, the earlier the diagnosis, the better. I will do this throughout my journey by sharing with all of those who will listen.
Every pedal and every person counts. I pedal for us!
Thank you to the many people and organizations who have supported me emotionally and financially during this journey. Thanks to Pituitary World News and especially JD Faccinetti, to the team at Crinetics Pharmaceuticals and Ionis, to Melisa Pearce at Touched by a Horse, everyone who has contributed through fundraising, and of course my friends and family.
Now, I’m focusing on healing my body and my soul. I have a long road ahead of me and an uncertain future, but I am learning to use my voice and I want to inspire and encourage others to use theirs. My goal is to bring awareness to Pituitary Diseases, the earlier the diagnosis, the better. I will do this throughout my journey by sharing with all of those who will listen.
Every pedal and every person counts. I pedal for us!
Thank you to the many people and organizations who have supported me emotionally and financially during this journey. Thanks to Pituitary World News and especially JD Faccinetti, to the team at Crinetics Pharmaceuticals and Ionis, to Melisa Pearce at Touched by a Horse, everyone who has contributed through fundraising, and of course my friends and family.

![]() For more information, please contact Pituitary World News: [email protected]
People's Choice Award for Canva Video Contest #MadeWithCanva
Watch it Here!
Watch it Here!
Learn more about my story and how Gestalt helped me on Pituitary World News:
Risa's Story
Risa's Story
Thumbs up, words of encouragement, monetary donations, and high fives...any and all support is appreciated!
Follow Me on Facebook and Instagram
Follow Me on Facebook and Instagram
I couldn't be doing this without all of the love, support, and encouragement
from friends and family...you all know who you are!!!
from friends and family...you all know who you are!!!
Check out a fun and different perspective on my Facebook page:
Viewing The World Through My Bicycle Wheel
Viewing The World Through My Bicycle Wheel